How to add different paths and buttons in the studio?

You have several options to set up the structure and hierarchy of your flow. Paths can go one direction, in a decision tree format or in loops with the different elements at your disposal.

Part 1: Add button 

You can add a button with Link message.

The link message button allows users to be redirected to a specific link when they click on a button. To add this button, begin by entering the link for you want the user to be redirected to under the "Link" section. Keep in mind that if you want the link to be displayed as a button, the "Image & Rich Text View" option cannot be enabled. 

Next, you need to decide the message you want the button to display. You can select this option under the "Button Text" section.

Part 2: Different paths

There are various ways to structure the paths in your message flow. You can choose to have paths that go in a single direction, follow a decision tree format, or even create loops. This allows you to customize the flow of your conversation and provide a more interactive experience for users.

Single Direction Paths: 

A single direction path is a pathway in the conversation flow that remains unchanged regardless of the user's responses. This means that regardless of what options or choices the user selects, the conversation will continue to follow the route.

Decision Tree: A decision tree format is a pathway that allows the chatbot to adjust its next question or statement based on the actions or choices made by the user. This interactive structure gives a personalized conversation experience.

To make a decision tree pathway, start by making a Survey Question. After you've made your Survey Question, press "Next steps" at the top on the right side.

Then, press "Different Paths"

After completing the previous steps, you have the option to select the downward arrow on one of the answers. This allows you to create a new element that will only be displayed if the user chooses the answer associated with that specific element.



Here is an example of what the Decision Tree will look like in the studio: