How to use the flow overview section?

Get an overview of all your flows, and the basic statistics. Several actions are available such as opening the flow studio, activate/deactivate the flow and change a few other properties.

Skjermbilde 2023-02-10 kl. 15.39.42

Part 1: Overview
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If you want to look at the statistics on this page you can first set the date up in the right corner.

  1. Flow Sessions: How many conversations have started/been loaded. (Can be compared with the opening rate of mail.)
  2. Interactions: How many people have clicked on a button in the flow. If this number reads "0", but there are numbers under "completions", this means that there are no buttons in the flow, and therefore it jumps straight to completions.
  3. Completions: How many people have completed an entire flow, and the last conversation box has been shown. In those cases where the flow is only intended as information, and where there is no action button with some form of registration, this will be the end station.
  4. Leads: How many people have registered for a flow. This can be as a lead, customer, registered for a competition or similar. Indicates only the number of registered users that must be viewed in light of the flow's purpose.

Prosentage: The numbers between the various stages indicate how many percent have progressed to the next stage.
Green/Red numbers: Indicates how many more or fewer there are based on the previous period.

  1. All, Active or Interactive: Here you can choose which flows you want to see. 
    Tips: Set old flows to "Inactive" to have a cleaner list of flows. 
  2. Search for reward flow: Here you can search for the flow you are looking for based on the name. 

Part 2: Flows Overview

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  1. Name: The Flow main name
  2. Update date: Last time the flow was changed or edited. 
  3. Status: If the flow is active or inactive. Green means active, and gray means inactive. 
  4. Type: This will only show if you have added what type of flow this is when creating it, or add it later. Could be a recommender-, feedback-, newsletter-, onboarding-, or conversation flow. 
  5. Median interaction: "S" stands for seconds and says something about the average time spent on the selected flow.
  6. Total cost: If a flow is rewarded, this indicates how much this flow has cost you based on how many rewards you are sending out. 
  7. Flow sessions: How many have started this flow. Similar to an opening rate. *
  8. Interaction rate: How many have interacted with the flow.*
  9. Leads: How many leads this flow has.*
  10. Customers: How many you have converted from leads to customers from this flow. *

* Based on the date interval you have set up in the right corner. 

Part 3: Specific Flows 

  1. Click on the name of a flow: By clicking on the name of the flow, you get to a separate page with statistics for this specific flow. Read more HERE. 
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  2. Edit in studio: Click here to open the Studio. The studio is where you create or/and change flows. 
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  3. Three dots: By clicking on the three dots, you'll get more options regarding this flow. 
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        1. Open Flow URL: The flow link opens in a new tab. (Not the test link) 
        2. Copy link: The flow link that you can share. (Not the test link) 
        3. Settings: Sends you directly to the settings page in the studio. 
        4. Standard flow: In your account, you need to have one flow that is the "main one". This is going to change in the future. Contact support if you have more questions about this. 
        5. Unpublish: Set the flow to "Inactive". It will not be possible to access the flow link anymore. You can at any time go in the studio and still make changes, and you can also reverse it, and set the flow to "Active" again.
        6. Rename: If you want to give the flow a new name. (This will not change the link) 
        7. Duplicate: You can duplicate the flow to make a similar flow, but with some changes. This will not affect the original flow in any way. 
        8. Delete: If you want to delete the flow. NOTE! The flow can not be deleted if the flow has any traffic. In the case you can't delete, you can still set the flow to "Inactive/Unpublish" to remove it from the active list. 
  4. Show more info: 
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        1. Variants: In the case, you have set up multiple flows connected to one link, the list of flow versions connected will be listed here. You'll find the link to each version next to the name.  (AB Testing flow)
        2. Reward promos: Direct link to promos presented in the flow(s). (This includes all promos in all versions. 
        3. Potential reward: If the flow is rewarded, rewards connected to the flow will be listed here. 
        4. Recommendation rate: If the flow is a referral flow, this is the percentage of how many people came through a referral link.