How to understand the specific flow statistics dashboard?

When you want to take a closer look at your flow, click on the flow name in the flow overview. You will see statistics on surveys, promos, variants of the flows and compare performance of the various types.

Part 1: OverviewSkjermbilde 2023-02-13 kl. 15.54.24

  1. Flow Sessions: How many conversations have started/been loaded. (Can be compared with the opening rate of mail.)
  2. Interactions: How many people have clicked on a button in the flow. If this number reads "0", but there are numbers under "completions", this means that there are no buttons in the flow, and therefore it jumps straight to completions.
  3. Completions: How many people have completed an entire flow, and the last conversation box has been shown. In cases where the flow is only intended as information, and where there is no action button with some form of registration, this will be the end station.
  4. Leads: How many people have registered for a flow. This can be as a lead, customer, registered for a competition or similar. Indicates only the number of registered users that must be viewed in light of the flow's purpose.
  5. Traffic sources:
        1. From other sources: A number of how many people have started the main flow.
        2. From referrals: Number of how many people have started the referral flow.

  6.  Promo efficiency:
        1. Redeemed: How many people have completed the activity of a promo. This could be, for example, downloading an app, registering, watching a film or similar activity.
        2. Created: This is how many people have seen promos. In a flow there can be one or more promos, and must therefore be checked against the effectiveness of each individual promo, if there are more. You can find this on the dashboard of the specific flow. See the Reward Flow page.
        3. The percentage: If a flow contains a promo, this percentage will indicate how effective the promo is, and to what extent it is clicked on.
  7. Average interaction time:
        1. Interactions: How many started sessions the number is based on.
        2. The number: "S" stands for seconds and says something about the average time spent on the selected flow.

Percentage: The numbers between the various stages indicate how many percent have progressed to the next stage.
Green/Red numbers: Indicates how many more or fewer there are based on the previous period.

Part 2: Flow variants

If you have multiple flows connected to one link, this is where you can see the statistics for each one and compare them. This is very useful when you want to A/B test.

Skjermbilde 2023-02-13 kl. 15.54.40

  1. Name: Name of the version. This is an additional name to the flow's main name. 
  2. Median interaction: "S" stands for seconds and says something about the average time spent on the selected flow.
  3. Total cost: If a flow is rewarded, this indicates how much this flow has cost you based on how many rewards you are sending out. 
  4. Flow sessions: How many have started this flow. Similar to an opening rate. *
  5. Interaction rate: How many have interacted with the flow.*
  6. Leads: How many leads this flow has.*
  7. Customers: How many you have converted from leads to customers from this flow. *
  8. Reward promos: Which promos are connected to this version. 

If you click on the three dots next to the promo link, you will get a new bar with more options connected to that specific version. 

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  1. Edit in studio: Go into the studio to make changes or edit the flow.
  2. Open Flow URL: The flow link opens in a new tab. (Not the test link) 
  3. Settings: Sends you directly to the settings page in the studio. 
  4. Unpublish: Set the flow to "Inactive". It will not be possible to access the flow link anymore. You can at any time go in the studio and still make changes, and you can also reverse it, and set the flow to "Activ" again.
  5. Copy link: The flow link that you can share. (Not the test link) 
  6. Rename: If you want to give the flow a new name. (This will not change the link) 
  7. Duplicate: You can duplicate the flow to make a similar flow, but with some changes. This will not affect the original flow in any way. 
  8. Delete: If you want to delete the flow. NOTE! The flow can not be deleted if the flow has any traffic. In the case you can't delete, you can still set the flow to "Inactive/Unpublish" to remove it from the active list. 

Part 3: Reward Promos

Here you can see all the different promos connected to the flow, and how well they are converting. 

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  1. Name: Name of the promo. 
  2. Type: What type of promo this is. We have 6 different types that you can choose between when setrting up a promo. 
  3. Total Cost: If the promo is rewarded, this would be how much you have spent on the promo so far. 
  4. Cost per conversion: If the promo is rewarded, this is how much each conversion have cost so far.
  5. Conversion rate: The prosentage of how many have seen the promo and converted.
  6. Conversions: How many times the promo has been shownd.


Skjermbilde 2023-02-14 kl. 10.38.19

  1. Edit: Click here to edit the promo. 
  2. Preview: Preview of how the promo looks in the flow. 
  3. Set to inactive: If you want to turn the promo off.
  4. Delete: Delete the promo. Will be removed from all places this is placed. 

By clicking the arrow pointing down, you will see the details of the promo. 

Skjermbilde 2023-02-13 kl. 15.56.05

  1. Reward flows: Which flow this promo is used. 
  2. Expiration date: If you have sat an expiration date, this is the date. 
  3. Cost visit online: This refers to the cost associated with each visit to the flow that occurs online. It indicates how much it costs to drive traffic to the flow and engage users. The cost visit online is calculated by dividing the total cost of the flow by the number of visits it receives online.
  4. Created promos: How many promos have been shown to customers. 
  5. Redeemed promos: How many have done the action the promo wanted them to. Downoad app, register, etc. 
  6. Placement: This refers to the specific location or context in which the flow or promo is being displayed. It could include the country or region where the flow is being targeted, as well as the category or industry to which it relates to.
  7. Country: This refers to the specific country or region where the flow or promo is being targeted. It provides insight into the geographical location of the audience that the flow is intended for
  8. Category: The category section gives insights into the specific context to which the flow or promo is related. It helps in understanding the target audience and the relevance of the flow in a particular category or industry.

tPart 4: Surveys

Here you can read the statistics from the surveys. You will have all the information a customer have left, even though they didn't answer more than two questions. 
Tip: Use this information to optimize the flow, based on where people tent to fall off. You can also use this infoation to stengthen your marketing strategy, and also filter based on it in the contact list. 

Skjermbilde 2023-02-13 kl. 15.56.41

  1. Question: The name of the question or the question itself. 
  2. Popular answer: What most people have answered. The percentage and number next to it indicate how many percentage and the number of people who gave that answer. 
  3. Number of answers: How many people answered this question. 
  4. The pen: Edit the question and the answers.
    Skjermbilde 2023-02-13 kl. 15.57.29
  5. The arrow: Expand 
    With the exspanded view you will see the distribution of answers to the various answer options.

Skjermbilde 2023-02-13 kl. 15.57.09

Remember that the infomation is based on the date range you have set in the right corner of the page.